Friday 8 November 2013

Italian-Themed Dinner Party

This morning my sister and I were trying to figure out what we wanted to have for dinner. I knew I had a bit of leftover cheese and grapes in the refrigerator so I decided on making an antipasto platter. From there, our Italian-themed meal turned into a bigger deal, and out came a little dinner party for five! We were a little more busy eating than taking photos, unfortunately. However, the dinner party was a success; everyone had a laugh and a brilliant meal.

Well, we started off with beer and wine!

Then we continued with the antipasto (and more wine)!
It consisted of some crackers, olives, grapes, apples, kiwis, gouda, extra sharp aged cheddar, smoked ham, chicken ham, salami and a chickpea salad with feta.

Then we moved on to the main course which consisted of a mixed mushroom and scallops risotto as well as some homemade thin-crust pizza.

We ended our party with individual affogatos, which I think was a pretty fantastic finish! The great food and great company was a lovely way to spend a Friday night.

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