Tuesday 9 April 2013

Evening Thanksgiving

In Trinidad, we all love curry. We can't get enough of it. And everyone loves a little (what we call) "prayers food" or "curry". Last Saturday, my family had a Thanksgiving for my dad, for his health, strength and all his good fortune, as well as ours. My family follows Hinduism (not strictly), and we do not serve meat at Hindu Prayers/Thanksgiving.
I've always been the "channa and aloo" only type with salad and bit of "mother-in-law" (pepper salad), but I decided to try some other things this time. But, nothing really hits the spot like a big plate of channa and aloo with mother-in-law and roti. I just love my salad, so I eat about twice as much salad as anything else on my plate.

Channa & Aloo, Pumpkin, Bhagi, Curried Mango, Mother-in-Law, Fresh Salad



Always remember to be grateful and show appreciation for everything you have, whether it be to family, friends or God.